Q. Do I have to be a Christian to come to Church?

A. No, most adults are not Christians when they come to church at first. They come for a variety of reasons, but they are always welcome. The church has a genuinely good message to share about new life in Jesus Christ, and you would be welcome any Lord’s Day to come and worship the Living God with us.

Q. When do you meet for worship?

A. We meet for public worship each Lord’s Day morning and evening.

Morning Worship commences at 10:30 am and begins with prayer followed by the singing of praise, from the book of Psalms which Christ has given His Church for use in the worship of God. The minister then explains the Psalm of the week, which we then sing. We pray again and sing another Psalm. Then the minister reads and preaches from God’s Word. Worship concludes with prayer, and praise, concluding with the minister pronouncing the benediction.

Evening worship commences at 5.30 pm and follows a very similar pattern, with the exception that there is no explanation of the weekly Psalm of praise.

Q. Who leads the Church, i.e., who makes the decisions?

A. We have men who are responsible for the spiritual care of the people in the church. They meet each week either to discuss the care of God’s people and the life of the church, to pray, or meet with the deacons. These men include the Rev. Dr. Andrew Quigley, who is the minister and the elders Mr. Oliver Lam and Mr. Colin Postma.

We have other men called deacons, who have the task of caring for the physical needs of the people in the congregation and the maintenance of the property. They meet regularly with the elders, and they also meet on their own at times to discuss matters concerning their tasks. They are Mr. Josh Foster and Mr. Norm Fry.

Q. Do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper ?

A. Yes we do regularly. The Lord’s Supper is open to those who are members of the Ottawa RP Church. If you are visiting and are a member of a recognized Reformed church you will be invited to meet with the Session before worship on the day the Sacrament is being observed. Participating in the Lord’s Supper is a serious matter, and not to be entered into lightly according to God, and so we want to take care of you in respect of it.

Q. Do you have Bible Classes?

A. Yes. They meet 9:45 am – 10:15 am each Lord’s Day between September and June, with the exception of holidays. We have classes for all ages of children, as well as for adults.

Q. Do you have a nursery?

A. Children of all ages are part of God’s covenant community and are included in public worship. There is a nursery room available which parents are free to use if their children become restless during worship. There is also a nursing mother’s room connected to the sanctuary with a one-way window into the sanctuary.

Q. Are you part of a denomination?

A. We are part of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Canada.

Q. Where can I find out what the church teaches?

A. We are a church which has made a clear statement of what we believe. This statement can be found here.

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