

The Elders are responsible for the spiritual oversight, care, protection and rule of the church. We currently have five elders, the minister, Rev. Dr. Andrew Quigley; and the ruling elders: Rev. Vince Ward, Mr. Colin Postma, Mr. Oliver Lam and Mr. Cory van der Meer.

Rev. Dr. Andrew Quigley is an Irishman who grew up and served in the Irish RP Church before becoming a minister to a congregation near Glasgow, Scotland for 24 years. The Lord blessed his ministry in Scotland in a number of ways including enabling him to take the lead in planting three new churches. He moved to Ottawa in September 2018 and has been our minister since.

Married to Heather they have six adult children, four of whom live in Scotland. Two of them are married and they have blessed Andrew & Heather with grandchildren.

Rev. Quigley serves in a number of capacities within the RP Church in Canada as well as being chair of the international RP Global Alliance.

Andrew is a strong advocate of the absolute necessity of preaching the word of God. He is also a pastor who genuinely cares about people and works to help others to both seek and grow in Christ.


The Deacons responsibility is to care for the physical needs of the people in the church and the upkeep of the church’s property. We currently have four deacons; Mr. Vince Giroux, Mr. Josh Foster, Mr. Jason Braden, and Mr. Norm Fry.

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