
Public Worship on a Sunday is a wonderful privilege; and the great thing about it is that God has clearly told us how He wants us to worship Him. That’s what we seek to do each Lord’s Day. We sing from the Book of Psalms that God has given to us to praise Him, we read the Bible, we pray, and we have the word of God preached to us so that we might grow in our love for and faith in God.
We also return to the Lord a portion of all that He has given us in accordance with what He has commanded in His word. This giving can be done online via e-transfer to ‘’. Alternatively, you can mail a cheque made payable to ‘Ottawa RP Church’, to Ottawa R.P. Church, P.O. Box 23139, Ottawa, ON, K2A 4E2, or place the cheque in the offering box during Lord’s Day worship.
Paul wrote to the church at Rome and told them that he was not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe. He also told the Corinthian church that it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to reveal his saving power to men and women.
The preaching at this church is Christ-centered. It is aimed both at the mind and the heart, so that hearers will not only be taught the truth of God’s word but also be brought to love and obey God because of their knowledge of that truth.
Sermons from previous Lord’s Day’s can be found on SermonAudio.
Bible Classes

The Lord’s Day at the Ottawa church begins with Bible classes for all ages at 9:45am. Currently we have six classes including the adult class with weekly participation of over 90. The children’s curriculum has been designed in house using the Westminster Shorter Catechism and adults are working through the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Fellowship Groups
Over 70 people participate in the weekly Fellowship Groups that meet at various times & locations around the city. These groups study a portion of God’s word each week. Guideline notes are produced by our minister to help with the consideration of the passage. Get in touch with us if you would like the details for these groups.
Mondays, 7.00 pm
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm
Ottawa RPC
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm
Thursdays, 6.30 pm
Thursdays, 8.00 pm
Ottawa RPC
Fridays, 4.30 pm
Daily Worship Booklets

Daily worship used to be an integral part of the Christian’s daily living. It was a means of much blessing to adults and children alike, and has very positive benefits for the life of the church. Joshua says in Joshua 24:15 that he and his household will serve the Lord. The word ‘serve’ does mean to do something, but it is not always understood that it is often translated in the Bible to mean worship.
So we are to serve God daily in our lives and one of the principal ways we do that is to worship Him. We accept and delight in the numerous encouragements in the Bible to daily read God’s word, to pray and sing to Him. And to help us in that, there is a daily worship booklet that provides a simple plan for reading, studying and praying, with notes written on consecutive passages of God’s word by our minister.
This week’s Daily Worship Booklet can be downloaded here. For previous material you can go to the Daily Worship Booklet website. We can also send you the notes daily via email; click here to subscribe.
Youth Group

Our young people gather at the church once a month for a fun evening that includes food, fellowship, games and other fun activities. This past year we have had a movie night, taffy party, ceilidh, and a baking competition.
Prayer Breakfasts

The Women and Men gather regularly, on a different Saturday morning, in the church basement, to spend an hour together in prayer.