This past Lord’s Day was a significant day in the life of the Ottawa RP Church as 51 people were sent out to form the new Beckwith RPC congregation. Following morning worship the congregation enjoyed a fellowship meal and then gathered again for a special afternoon service. Rev. Dr. Quigley preached on the blessing God gave to His people in Numbers 6:22-27 and assured those leaving of the Ottawa church’s continued prayerful interest in the new congregation. After the service, flowers were given to the wives of the four departing office bearers, books were given to the youth who were leaving, and book tokens to the families with young children. A financial gift of $75,000, in addition to the tithes and offerings from the start of the year, of those departing, was also given to the new congregation.
Please pray for the Lord’s blessing on the Beckwith congregation and for those who remain in Ottawa.